Follow or Face My Wrath

Friday, November 8, 2013

Let me clarify something...

I just realized that the article I wrote yesterday might come off a touch different than I intended it.
The point of yesterday's article was to say that people should quit hating on cell phones.  I wanted to point out that, like all things, you can use them for benefit or detriment.
What I did not intend to say was that playing mind-numbing games is uniformly bad.  If you are a person who exerts their brain to exhaustion in their career, you deserve a little mind-numbing every now and then.  If you are a student who actually takes your studies seriously, you deserve to relax your brain from time to time.  When used in proper context, these games can be healthy.  I don't advocate playing them to the exclusion of more important things, but I acknowledge that they have a place in a balanced lifestyle.
So if you work your brains on a daily basis and play a little Farmville to relax, I don't blame you.  But if you're in a dead end job you hate and you spend all your free time "relaxing", you have the power to break the cycle.
That's all I'm trying to say.

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